Dear FPCSA Family & Friends,
As is the case with all things in 2020, the Thanksgiving holiday will be different this year. Even with all that is going on, I had planned to spend time with friends on Thanksgiving Day, eating in the backyard, socially distanced and practicing safe protocols. But with the recent uptick in cases and the plea from health officials nationwide, we have changed our plans to stay home this weekend and order nice turkey dinners from Mimi’s Cafe in Tustin (thanks Carol T. for the recommendation!).
What are your plans?
Even in the midst of hardships, we can still give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us, “In all circumstances, give thanks.” So even in 2020, we are exhorted to give thanks.What are you thankful for? Please reply to this email, and I will read people’s replies during the worship service tomorrow. An added benefit during worship tomorrow, Ms. Sandra will be with us and will have written offerings of thanksgiving from some of our children. It should be a great celebration!
Please find worship materials attached to this email.
A couple of notes, I sent news earlier this week that Bob Stopher died on Sunday, 11/8. I have not heard from Leslie in regard to any service. Richard Ursua called this past week to let me know that Gloria Madrid died on Sunday, 11/15. Gloria, of course, raised her children, then her grandchildren, and ultimately her great-grandchildren. She was a strong woman. Gloria’s wishes were that there would be no service, so feel free to send cards to the family at the address that is in our directory.
I am grateful we canceled the Trunk or Treat event. When we planned it, hospitalizations were down around 150 in Orange County; currently hospitalizations in Orange County are 333 with over 100 in ICU. I continue to pray for your good health and for a safe vaccine. I look forward to seeing you all again face-to-face! Hope to “see” you in worship tomorrow.
Also, please find attached a flyer for a food give away on Monday, 11/23, sponsored by our children’s ministry. If you would like to come help with the distribution or if you know someone who might benefit, please pass the flyer on to them. I’m proud about the work our staff does!
With love and thanksgiving, I remain yours in Christ Jesus.
Rev. Dr. Lance E. Allen, D. MinFirst Presbyterian Church Santa Ana
An Intentional Intercultural Intergenerational Church Family