Dear FPCSA Family & Friends,
Please find attached the worship materials for our livestream worship service tomorrow, July 19th, at 10A on our church’s facebook page. Our responsive call to worship is at the end of the Service Order attachment. The message is titled, “Made to Worship,” and in keeping with the sermon series, we’ll be asking what it means to worship God beyond the walls of the church. And I’m looking forward to Kyle Short sharing a song titled, “I Am Alive.”
On another subject, we’ve been struggling with transients at the church in recent weeks. Since we are not there too much, it’s hard to monitor. Several weeks ago, a group broke in, gained access to the patio of McFarland Hall, set up camp, damaged our property, used our planters as toilets, and caused problems. They were returning every night. Thankfully we have our Super Hero Custodian Kim who showed up at 5:45A one morning and had the police escort them off our property. After the old Trinity UPCSA building burned down a couple months ago, we must be vigilant.
Our Director of Children’s Ministry was supposed to participate in worship tomorrow, but she and her husband were in a pretty bad accident yesterday, so she asked if she could have the day off. That means she won’t be in the worship service and I think she won’t have a zoom meeting for the children after worship. Families, keep an eye for communications from her. They are fully insured, but the other driver left the scene before they could even see what kind of car it was. Please keep Sandra and her husband in your prayers.
Looking forward to “seeing” you in church!
Rev. Dr. Lance E. Allen, D. Min
First Presbyterian Church Santa Ana
An Intentional Intercultural Intergenerational Church Family