Dear FPCSA Family & Friends!
It’s graduation season! We honor our graduates! Thankful for our youth ministry team that delivered care packages to these students.
Tricia “Mia” Madrid (great-granddaughter of Gloria; daughter of Angelina Ursua)
Samuel Miranda (son of Samuel & Norma Miranda; grandson of Artemio Jimenez & Isabel Damian)
Jessica Qi (daughter of Martini Tjen; niece of Jun & Endang Tjen)
Crystal Pimentel (youth volunteer intern)
Graduations are always an important time to celebrate transitions in life, moving from one chapter to the next. We thank God for the completion of educational goals and pray God’s goodness and guidance in the days ahead.
Join us on Sunday at 10A on our FPCSantaAna Facebook page to hear our seminary intern present his first sermon.
I’m excited to hear what God has to teach us through this fine, young man.
Hope to “see” you on Sunday!
Rev. Dr. Lance E. Allen, D. MinFirst Presbyterian Church Santa Ana
Intentional Intercultural Intergenerational Church Family