Dear FPCSA Family & Friends,
As hospitalizations continue to rise in Orange County (556 today), so we continue to shelter-in-place. Our Task Force also continues to prepare for return to our campus, but we recognize this will not happen any time in the near future. If you have not filled out our survey yet, please do so as soon as you can. Your input is important to us!
In the midst of this somewhat depressing time in our history, life finds a way. We are excited to welcome a new life into our church family —
Andrew William Heard, son of Anthony & Allison; brother to Amelia and grandson to Wayne Liem — born on Monday, June 29th, at 12:18A , 6 lbs, 9 oz, 19.5 inches. Everyone is healthy.
Sunday is communion, so don’t forget to have bread and cup (wine or juice) ready. We continue in the “Beyond These Walls” sermon series with a message titled: “Luminaries.” Since it’s the first Sunday of the month, we’ll also celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries; be sure to let us know in the comments if you have a birthday or anniversary in July. Though we are separated, we are united in Christ.
Hope to “see” you in church! Rev. Dr. Lance E. Allen, D. Min
First Presbyterian Church Santa Ana
An Intentional Intercultural Intergenerational Church Family