Dear FPCSA Family & Friends,
How are you holding up? If you’re anything like me, this stay-at-home thing is getting old!
But the thing is, the CDC recommends staying at home until there is a three-week decline in hospitalizations from COVID-19. And unfortunately, hospitalizations continue to go up in Orange County. A few weeks ago, I was complaining that we were almost up to 200 hospitalizations. Today we are at 394 in the hospital, 147 in ICU. Nearly 400 hospitalizations. Hospitalizations in our community continue to rise. We want to be safe and keep you all safe and healthy. In so doing, we believe we are showing love to one another and to our neighbors.
We are interested in your thoughts, and so our COVID-19 Task Force requests that you complete the survey below if you have not already done so…
Special thanks to Scott & Shannon Overpeck, as well as Laura Rutherford, Betty Thompson, Genesis Fletcher, and Rocio Rosales for their help on these surveys.
I’m also thankful to our Deacons, who recently delivered care packages to our seniors. I’ve already heard back from several of them saying it felt good to be remembered and appreciated in this way.
One of my projects over the last couple of weeks was to map out the rest of the summer sermon series: “Beyond These Walls.” I’m happy to have that project behind me and our Sundays through September 6th planned. Those plans might change, but it feels good to have something in place.
My next project is to set up a YouTube channel for FPCSA. Be looking for that. Several of our Hispanic members said they are not on Facebook, so watching the sermons provided by Pastor Hazael is not an option for them. I’ve heard some similar comments from our EM, so I’m looking into YouTube. I never took courses in seminary teaching me about YouTube! 😂
Rev. Dr. Lance E. Allen, D. Min
First Presbyterian Church Santa Ana
An Intentional Intercultural Intergenerational Church Family